Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quick Interlude

Hey there #TeamPhillySwag followers,

Just wanted to let you know that due to the wifi situation (aka.'sit-chi-ation') in the lovely First Presbyterian, we had to put off posting some people's blogs. Some of these posts will be a bit out of order as a result.

Hope this doesn't confuse everyone; if it helps, the TL's Vid and Vanessa are going to pretend this blog is like one of those novels where everything is mixed up and you have to solve the mystery. Like, for example:

1. Who is the ghost of First Presbyterian? (We decided MaryAnn could solve that one)
2. Who REALLY won that game of AB Jeopardy?
3. How many JBHS students could Vid fit in her suitcase?
4. What happened to all the extra sriracha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
5. What happens at the end of TKMock?!?!
6. Can we just go back to FBChurch to get free weekly dance lessons?
7. What did Ellen have to do to get so good at ninja?
8. WE HAVE TO KNOW: Did Honey Sit & Eat remove their windows and repurpose them as unhelpful (at best) bathroom mirrors?
9. How many times did Nick, Ethan and Alex P. sneak out to secretly go out on the town? Did they just record the sound of them playing backetball every night?!?!
...and finally...
10. When can all of us soul twins (if there were a word for 16 soul twins we'd use it) reunite?

...some these mysteries, and more, will be solved through these upcoming posts. Thanks for keeping up with the blog, everyone, we enjoyed meeting some of you yesterday! And for the 80th time...


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